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Các bài thuyết trình năm 2025

Ngày Bài thuyết trình Người trình bày Địa điểm
Friday, Feb 21, 2025
Dual Caregiving and Survival of the Economy


This paper addresses the issue of dual caregiving duties – child-rearing and elderly care – and how they can affect the stability of an economy. In this model, economic agents make collective decisions on fertility, savings, and division of labor to maximize their welfare. In the long run, the dual care burden plays a significant role. If it is sufficiently small, the economy operates and grows sustainably. If it is sufficiently large, the economy can be locked in a “nursing hell” state where caring consumes almost all resources, leaving almost nothing for income generation. In this case, since individuals’ fertility decisions are too low, the government can consider a minimum fertility requirement to alleviate the problem, although it is not a Pareto improvement. More interestingly, if the burden of care exceeds some feasible threshold, the economy’s survival is at risk of a structural collapse. In such a case, even the pronatalist policy mentioned earlier will be infeasible to implement.

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Trần Quang Thanh – Đại học Tohoku, Nhật Bản Phòng 1108, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Jan 10, 2025
Câu chuyện Data driven trong Kinh doanh và Marketing – Các use case thực tế.
Phạm Thị Hải Ly – GĐKD Digital Banking – TPBank Phòng 1108, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU

Các bài thuyết trình năm 2024

Ngày Bài thuyết trình Người trình bày Địa điểm
Friday, Oct 18, 2024
Retail SME default risk prediction: a case study of Vietnam
This paper explores the determinants of retail small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) default risk using Vietnam data over the period 2015 to 2022. Firms with lower profitability, reduced liquidity, lower asset turnover, and slower growth are more likely to default. Especially, debt coverage and cash flow are the most important financial aspect that small firms should pay attention to. Furthermore, in comparison with several machine learning algorithms, logistic regression continues to be considered the most suitable option among credit risk scoring methods. Our model is valid through out-of-time tests using a data sample encompassing the unprecedented COVID-19 epidemic period. It provides empirical evidence supporting the usefulness of hard information in small firm failure prediction, even within the context of a transitional emerging economy. Consequently, it facilitates Vietnam commercial banks in managing retail SMEs’ credit risk on a pooled basis, enabling them to achieve economies of scale and significantly reduce risk capital charges (around 30% in this study) through the implementation of credit scoring models based on financial data.
Vương Minh Giang, Ngân hàng Vietcombank Phòng 1108, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Oct 11, 2024
Environmental Impacts of Trade Agreement: An Ex-Post Analysis of the European Union–South Korea FTA.
Free trade policies could promote economic growth but also raise concerns about environ- mental degradation. This study estimates CO2 emissions embodied in bilateral trade at the sector level for the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) by using a dual gravity framework with a database incorporating the OECD Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO), Trade in Embodied CO2 (TECO2), and CEPII Gravity Database. The findings reveal an asymmetric impact: a 29.6% increase in CO2 emissions embodied in trade from the EU to Korea, without a corresponding increase from Korea to the EU. Through heterogeneity analyses over time and across sectors, this asymmetric result is driven by changes in the scale of trade. European manufacturers, dominant in pollution-intensive industries, shift emissions to Korea through increased trade. 


Th.S Bùi Thị Thùy Linh, Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI)  Phòng 1108, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Apr 12, 2024 Strategic formation of production network

Abstract: We provide a strategic model of the formation of production networks that subsumes the standard general equilibrium approach. The objective of firms in our setting is to choose their supply relationships so as to maximize their profit at the general equilibrium that unfolds. We show that this objective is equivalent to the maximization by the firms of their eigenvector centrality in the production network. As is common in network formation games based on centrality, there are multiple Nash equilibria in our setting. We have investigated the characteristics and the social efficiency of these equilibria in a stylized version of our model representing international trade networks. We show that the impact of network structure on social welfare is firstly determined by a trade-off between costs of increasing process complexity and positive spillovers on productivity induced by the diversification of the input mix. We further analyze a variant of our model that accounts for the risks of disruption of supply relationships. In this setting, we characterize how social welfare depends on the structure of the production network, the spatial distribution of risks, and the process of shock aggregation in supply chains. We finally show that simple trade policies characterized by sets of links that are either prevented or catalyzed can be a powerful equilibrium selection device.


TS. Nguyễn Văn Quý – Bộ môn Toán Tài chính – NEU Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday Mar 29 The infinite differentiability and monotonicity of the speed for excited random walks.

In this presentation, using renewal times and Girsanov’s transform, we prove that the speed of the excited random walk is infinitely differentiable with respect to the bias parameter in (0,1) in dimension d≥2. At the critical point 0, using a special method, we also prove that the speed is differentiable and the derivative is positive for every dimension 2≤d≠3. However, this is not enough to imply that the speed is increasing in a neighborhood of 0. It still remains to prove that the derivative is continuous at 0.
We also introduce a method for studying monotonicity of the speed of excited random walks in high dimensions, based on a formula for the speed obtained via cut-times and Girsanov’s transform. While the method gives rise to similar results as have been or can be obtained via the expansion method of van der Hofstad and Holmes, it may be more palatable to a general probabilistic audience.

TS. Phạm Công Dân – Data Analyst – Viettel High Tech (Ph.D in Probability and Statistics from Aix-Marseille University) Phòng 1109, tầng 11 nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Mar, 22 On the Computational Aspects of Economic Efficiency and Fairness

Efficiency and fairness stand as primary goals in designing economic systems, offering benchmarks for evaluating economic solutions. Nevertheless, achieving perfectly efficient and fair utopian economies proves unfeasible due to factors like incentives, lack of information, computational hardness, etc. In this talk, we confront this inherent impossibility using methodologies derived from the realm of approximation algorithms. We illustrate techniques for establishing and refining designs that offer provably guaranteed approximations on an ideal yet impossible level of efficiency and fairness. Along the way, we delve into several unresolved questions that have captured the attention of researchers in the field.

TS. Nguyễn Trung Thành – Khoa KHDL&AI – School of Technology – NEU Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Mar 15, 2024 Dynamic choices, temporal invariance and variational discounting

Abstract: In economic analysis, decision makers often face the necessity of making trade-offs between costs and benefits occurring at various points in time, including those related to environmental concerns. The predominant discounting approach frequently employed is characterized by an exponential form. Central to this approach is the discount rate, a unique parameter that converts a future value into its present equivalent. However, it is noteworthy that a universally accepted discount rate for the assessment of such decisions remains a matter of ongoing debate and lacks consensus. This paper presents a novel approach that provides a robust solution for resolving conflicts in discount rates. This approach recommends considering all discount rates but aims to assign varying degrees of importance to these rates in the decision-making process. Moreover, a considerable number of economists support a theory that suggests equal consideration of future and present benefits. In response to this debate, we introduce a general criterion capable of accommodating situations where it is feasible not to discount future utilities. This criterion encompasses and extends various existing criteria in the literature.

TS. Đồng Xuân Bách – Bộ môn Toán Tài chính Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Mar 01, 2024  Tối ưu hóa: Người hùng thầm lặng của AI!

Trong bài nói chuyện này, tôi sẽ giải thích tại sao Tối ưu hóa được coi là một người hùng thầm lặng của Trí tuệ nhân tạo. Tôi cũng đưa ra các luận điểm khuyến nghị các trường đại học nói chung và các khoa Toán ứng dụng nói riêng cần đầu tư nhiều hơn nữa vào Tối ưu hóa. Để minh họa cho tầm quan trọng và sự thú vị của Tối ưu hóa, tôi sẽ trình bày một nghiên cứu mới được công bố gần đây và một dự án nghiên cứu ứng dụng làm sản phẩm cho doanh nghiệp mà nhóm chúng tôi đã thực hiện tại Việt Nam.

PGS.TS. Hà Minh Hoàng – Khoa KHDL&AI – School of Technology – NEU Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
Friday, Feb 23, 2024 How Information Design Shapes Optimal Selling Mechanisms

 Abstract: A monopolistic seller jointly designs allocation rules and (new) information about a pay-off relevant state to a buyer with private types. When the new information flips the ranking of willingness to pay across types, a screening menu of prices and threshold disclosures is revenue maximizing. Conversely, when its impact is marginal, bunching via a single posted price and threshold disclosure is (approximately) optimal. While information design expands the scope for random mechanisms to outperform their deterministic counterparts, its presence leads to an equivalence result regarding sequential versus static screening.

TS. Hien Pham – Toulouse School of Economics Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU

Các bài trình bày trong năm 2023

Ngày Bài thuyết trình Người trình bày Địa điểm
07/04/2023 E-commerce – A Promised Land for AI?

Abstract: In this talk, we would like to briefly review some real-life applications of Machine Learning for E-commerce platforms. Next, we will discuss in detail our recent approaches and results for Product Identification Problem in E-commerce


TS. Trịnh Tuấn Phong – Head of data departement – KiotViet Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
9/12/2022 Kiểm tra sức chịu đựng về vốn và ứng dụng trong phân bổ vốn tại các ngân hàng thương mại.
(Capital stress testing and application in capital planning at Vietnamese commercial banks)
Th.S Nguyễn Thúy Quỳnh – Quản lý về tư vấn rủi ro tại Deloitte Việt Nam Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
16/12/2022 Effective customer segmentation using machine learning

Abstract: Customer Segmentation is one of the most important topics in the marketing field. Traditional customer segmentation methods such as RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary) and its variants have a major drawback of segmenting customers based only on some dimensions of customer behavior. Our research proposes a novel approach to overcome this issue. In the first step, we create the maximum possible features from the transactional dataset that can simulate customer consumption behavior. In the second step, we use GMM(Gaussian Mixture Model) combined with the feature selection method to segment our customer base. We also compare the traditional approach with a novel method using some business metrics. We show that 91% of customers in the golden group found by the novel approach making at least one transaction for six continuously consecutive months in the future, 84% of them is in the top 10% of highest monetary value customer in 2011. These number is only 76% and 74%, corresponding to the traditional method.

TS. Nguyễn Quỳnh Giang – Bộ môn Toán kinh tế, NEU Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
23/12/2022 Limit theorems in large populations for a stochastic spatial epidemic model with mean-field interactions.

Abstract: In this work, we study a stochastic spatial epidemic model where the N individuals are characterized by their position and infection state. We begin with a microscopic description in which the displacement of individuals is driven by mean-field interactions, a state-dependent diffusion, and a common environmental noise. The evolution of epidemiological states is described by Poisson point processes with an infection rate depending on the distribution of other nearby individuals, also of the mean-field type. Then, we study the behavior of this system at the macroscopic level when the population size is large.

TS. Vương Văn Yên
Aix-Marseille University
Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
06/01/2023 Chính sách thuế cải thiện Pareto

Abstract: Định lý thứ nhất của phúc lợi kinh tế trong mô hình kinh tế cổ điển là phân bổ nguồn lực ở trạng thái cân bằng sẽ là hiệu quả. Tuy nhiên, điều này không đúng khi hành vi của người tiêu dùng bị ảnh hưởng bởi các yếu tố ngoại lai. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi chứng minh là có thể dùng thuế VAT và các khoản trợ cấp để cải thiện tính hiệu quả của điểm cân bằng trong mô hình có yếu tố ngoại lai.

TS. Nguyễn Văn Quý, ĐH Paris Sorbonne Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
17/02/2023 ChatGPT: Understanding the ChatGPT AI Chatbot

ChatGPT là công nghệ AI được lan truyền rộng rãi với khả năng đáng kinh ngạc trong việc trả lời các câu hỏi trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau, cũng như giao tiếp rất tự nhiên với con người trong cuộc đối thoại. Tuy nhiên nền tảng công vệ về xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên, học tăng cường đằng sau ChatGPT ít được đề cập tới. Thế nên trong seminar này, tôi sẽ trình bày về các kĩ thuật để ra được mô hình ChatGPT. Thêm vào đó, tôi sẽ thảo luận về các ứng dụng thiết thực của ChatGPT, cũng như những giới hạn hiện tại của mô hình này.

Th.S. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – Bộ môn Toán Kinh tế DS&AI Lab, phòng 1605, tầng 16, nhà A1, NEU
24/02/2023 On the welfare analysis of external reference pricing and reimbursement policy

The co-existence of external referencing pricing (ERP) and reimbursement policy is common in many countries. Thus, this research examines whether or not the imposition of ERP is socially desirable in the presence of the reimbursement policy. For the direct sales channel, we find that the home social welfare is worse off with ERP if the home copayment rate is too high. Our main results are robust under indirect sales channels. Moreover, the home social welfare under the pharmacy purchasing-price (PPP) ERP is larger than that under the ex-factory-price (EFP) ERP if the home copayment rate is high enough. Finally, the profit of the brand-name firm under indirect sales channels is higher than that under direct sales channels if the home copayment rate is too high.

TS. Đồng Văn Chung, Khoa Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Dong Hwa, Đài Loan Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
17/03/2023 Convex optimization and portfolio selection

Portfolio optimization is one of the most basic skills you’ll need to acquire when actively managing your investments. In this work, the problem of choosing a portfolio that maximizes a certain utility function of asset returns is presented from the academic work to the financial industry. The utility function is a convex function of the portfolio weights, and the portfolio optimization problem can be formulated as a convex optimization problem. Then, we introduce a well-known and effective toolbox to solve this problem in the financial industry.

TS. Đỗ Thế Cường, Chuyên gia nghiên cứu thị trường tài chính, Worldquant Việt Nam Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
24/03/2023 Graph Analysis and applications in Bank area

This talk discusses Graph Analysis and its applications in the banking industry. Graph Analysis provides a powerful tool for data analysis to understand complex relationships and patterns in the data, allowing us to make more informed decisions and improve overall performance. This talk is threefold, and we will first summarize some key notations of graphs. Secondly, we review some important algorithms in graph theory and applications. Finally, we explore real applications of the graph in the bank area.

TS. Nguyễn Văn Biển, Trưởng phòng Phân tích dữ liệu, Ngân hàng Quân đội MBBank Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
In 2023 Numerical approximation for some stochastic models in finance

Many random quantities in finance can be modeled as solutions of stochastic differential equations. Some well-known models are the Black-Schole model for stock prices, the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model for spot interest rates… In many applications, stochastic differential equations do not have a closed-form solution. Therefore, it can only be solved by numerical methods. This talk presents some recent numerical approximation methods for stochastic differential equations with irregular coefficients.

PGS.TS. Ngô Hoàng Long – Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU
In 2023 Efficient conditional Monte Carlo simulations for the exponential integrals of Gaussian random fields

We consider a continuous Gaussian random field living on a compact set T. We are interested in designing an asymptotically efficient estimator of the probability that the integral of the exponential of the Gaussian process over T exceeds a large threshold u. We propose an Asmussen–Kroese conditional Monte Carlo type estimator and discuss its asymptotic properties according to the assumptions on the first and second moments of the Gaussian random field. We also provide a simulation study to illustrate its effectiveness and compare its performance with the importance sampling type estimator of Liu and Xu (2014a)

TS. Nguyễn Quang Huy – Bộ môn Toán tài chính, NEU Phòng 1109, tầng 11, nhà A1, NEU