Danh mục Chuyên đề Tốt nghiệp / Final Thesis – Actuary K62

Bảo vệ ngày 14 tháng 6 năm 2024.

No. ID Fullname Topic
1 11204296 Hoàng Lê Mỹ Anh Risk Management Using ARCH/GARCH Models: Application on DMC Stock in Vietnam during COVID19
2 11204888 Nguyễn Anh Dũng Estimating and predicting Loss Given Default (LGD) in a commercial bank for the retail-banking sector
3 11205347 Tạ Việt Hoàn Analyze and Forecast Credit Risk Using ML: An empirical Study
4 11206464 Hoàng Trà Như Analysing the impact of factors influencing Z-score of commercial banks in Vietnam
5 11207018 Hoàng Đức Thịnh Application of model of value at risk in mesuring the risk of revenue at HABECO one limited liability company
6 11200853 Nguyễn Huỳnh Đức Pricing Medical Reimbursement Product In Life Insurance Company: Premium, Profitability And Effects Of New Insurance Business Law In Vietnam
7 11201358 Lại Thị Hạnh Analyzing bancassurance market in Vietnam and pricing a product sold through bancassurance channel – Term product
8 11202937 Trịnh Thị Minh Nguyệt Insurance Capital Requirement and How to apply Risk-based capital framework in Vietnam’s insurance industry from Quantitative Impact Study 2
9 11204536 Trần Thị Hồng Anh Premium Estimation for Coronary Artery Disease Patients Using Critical Illness Insurance Model
10 11206568 Lê Lan Phương Improving Loss Reserves Accuracy: Application of the Benktander Method in Non-life Insurance Reserve
11 11203414 Trần Thị Diễm Quỳnh Modeling health care insurance claim frequency and serverity using generalized linear model
12 11204353 Ngô Thị Ngọc Anh Estimating reserve of a Vietnam non-life insurance company in the 2018–2022 period using the Chain Ladder and Bornhuetter Ferguson methods
13 11204506 Phùng Quang Anh Term life with return of premium (TROP) Pricing under new Circular No.67/2023/TT-BTC
14 11205959 Phạm Hoàng Long Forecast Australia mortality rate using Lee-Carter model
15 11208537 Vũ Thị Hà Xuyên RESERVE ESTIMATION IN NON-LIFE INSURANCE: A Comparative Study of Mack Chain Ladder, Over-dispersed Poisson GLM, and Bootstrap Methods
16 11200557 Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu Handling missing data with different methods in credit approving model
17 11200761 Trần Bùi Đạt Application of the ARIMA-GARCH model in forecasting prices of technology stock group
18 11202634 Nguyễn Thảo My An application of EGARCH model to evaluate the impact of macroeconomic factors on sector indices in Vietnam stock market
19 11203938 Lưu Đức Toàn Using ARIMA model to predict VCB stock price
20 11208187 Ngô Gia Tráng Mortality Rate Model with Transformer Self-Attention Network
21 11201081 Lư Hồng Giang Estimating reserve for unpaid claims and incurred but not reported claims for a short-tail line of insurance in Vietnam
22 11203951 Nguyễn Hồng Trà Applying survival analysis methods in predicting  the probability whether employees will stay or leave the position
23 11205087 Nguyễn Hải Hà Applications of machine learning in vehicle insurance claims fraud detection
24 11207312 Lê Bảo Trung Enhancing Internal Rating System at banks in Vietnam
25 11200148 Lê Thế Anh Applications of machine learning methods to predict customer churn
26 11203621 Đoàn Minh Thảo Applying Generalized Linear Models to Inpatient Healthcare Claims
27 11205464 Đào Lê Huy Dynamic lapse modelling in Vietnam life insurance market
28 11205686 Nguyễn Chi Lan Application of Bayesian risk assessment in Variable Annuities